Low Carb Cooking Around the world people are paying more attention to their bodies and their health than perhaps at any other time in history. One method that has shown great success in helping people quickly drop those unwanted pounds is through low carb cooking and dieting. This … [Read more...] about Low Carb Cooking
Cardio Exercises for Kids
Cardio Exercises for Kids With all the T.V. shows, computer programs, and video games available now, it's hard to get kids up and moving anymore. That's one big reason why childhood obesity is becoming more and more prevalent. Getting your child in shape doesn't have to be a fight; … [Read more...] about Cardio Exercises for Kids
Dieting and coffee creamers
Dieting and coffee creamers The coffee creamer and your diet The coffee creamer makes your coffee look good and taste even better. I don't have much to say on the whys of using it - I gave up cream of any sort in my coffee over 20 years ago, for dieting reasons - I wasn't losing weight - … [Read more...] about Dieting and coffee creamers
Kathy Bates Speaks on Lymphedema – Human Side
Human side of Lymphedema - Kathy Bates speaks Kathy Bates Speaks at the NIH Conference in Washington, DC - LE&RN and speaks about the human side of Lymphedema. She is a spokeswoman for the Lymphedema network, and has the condition as well. Watch this video and see what she has … [Read more...] about Kathy Bates Speaks on Lymphedema – Human Side
Diet Journal
Diet Journal Do you keep a journal while dieting? I've always kept a diet journal. At least while dieting. In fact, in cleaning out my shower stall last week, I came across books upon books of calorie and fat intake, partially used waitress check books with my intake scribbled all … [Read more...] about Diet Journal
Born with Lymphedema
Born with Lymphedema Here's an article about twin boys and Lymphedema. One was born with Lymphedema. The other one wasn't, although he could develop it at any time in his life. It shows how ridiculous this chronic illness can be, affecting one child but not the other, the kid that is … [Read more...] about Born with Lymphedema
White Bread Epiphany
White Bread Epiphany I had an epiphany earlier today. I noticed this morning when going to the doctor that I felt bloated. I got on the scale, I weigh the same but I just feel fat and uncomfortable. Couldn't figure out why, haven't changed anything. Just generally icky. Thought … [Read more...] about White Bread Epiphany
Phone Action Alert – Lymphedema Treatment Act
Phone Action Alert - Lymphedema Treatment Act Phone Action Alert Call your state representative about the Lymphedema Treatment Act! Members of the Lymphedema Advocacy Group will be on Capitol Hill this week meeting with offices from Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio. We need your … [Read more...] about Phone Action Alert – Lymphedema Treatment Act
Essential Oils for Lymphedema
So you've heard about essential oils for Lymphedema. You've heard that essential oils have medicinal qualities, and can help with Lymphedema - possibly even cure you, and whatever ails you. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. I'm not here to make claims on the medicinal side. I don't know, … [Read more...] about Essential Oils for Lymphedema
Chicken Cacciatore Take 2
Chicken Cacciatore Take 2 I used chicken stock for this Chicken Cacciatore recipe because it's lower in sodium than chicken broth. I didn't have a skillet big enough to put it all in so I threw it into a Pyrex dish and into the oven it went to finish. I also didn't use 2 tablespoons … [Read more...] about Chicken Cacciatore Take 2