Choosing a Fitness Ball
The key to choosing a fitness ball is choosing the correct size for you. The right ball for you to choose depends on your height. For the best fit, you can try to sit on a variety of exercise balls to test them, but unfortunately this isn’t always possible.
When you sit on a fitness ball, your hips should be level, or maybe a bit higher than your knees. If you want to use the ball for standing or kneeling, you should look into a larger exercise ball. When you are sitting on the fitness ball, you should feel comfortable.
Choosing A Fitness Ball – Size Chart
45 cm – 4’6" – 5’0"
55 cm – 5’1" – 5’8"
65 cm – 5’8" – 6’1"
75 cm – 6’2" – 6′ 7"
Fitness ball size differs across the various brands on the market. For instance, a 75CM ball may be smaller than another brand of the same size. Test a variety of different size fitness balls for several types of exercise – you may find some do not meet your requirements. In the same vein, having a mix of sizes will give you more variety and flexibility with your workouts.
You can find fitness balls that are burst resistant and can hold 500 or more pounds. If you are seriously overweight the exercise fitness ball could be a great workout alternative for you if you are just beginning an exercise program and not sure where to start.
When choosing a fitness ball, consider how a ball smells and how it feels to the touch. Is the fitness exercise ball you’re looking at slippery? It might be too slippery, and you may not be able to stay on. How does the ball smell? If it smells of cheap rubber, it most likely is made of cheap rubber.
When starting an exercise program and you’re looking into choosing a fitness ball, look for a softer type ball, especially if you have never used a gym ball before. It is a bit more difficult to stabilize your body on a firm ball. When the ball is inflated more or the ball is too large, there’s less contact with the floor and the ball tends to move more and you’ll need to work harder to maintain your balance on the fitness ball. A larger ball is also more awkward, and is of course, heavier.