Skin Changes
Weirdness on the skin today.
First, a bit of history. I have permanent (I think) lymphedema in my left leg due to a blood clot I got when I was 29. The leg stays swollen. My skin as a rule is drier than most, but on my left leg it gets *really* dry. Alligator skin. Yum. Creams really don’t help, and usually the condition doesn’t bother me, except for an occasional itch. Kinda like my own built in sandpaper.
Today I got out of the shower and I was woolgathering while rubbing my left knee. I was still damp from the shower and noticed that skin was just falling off the knee.
Sounds gross, huh?
It wasn’t really. Just fascinating. I rubbed my hand back and forth down the length of my leg and *sheets* of dead skin just came off in my hand only to reveal smooth as a babybutts skin underneath, almost. It was so cool.
I looked at the dead skin on the floor. (Are you grossed out yet, lol?) And the thought occured to me: I better put some cream on that puppy!
Such are the changes the You on a Diet is making.